Local Authorities are also able to contact Lavender Grove directly to make a referral or to request further information:

For our Residential Services please contact
Phone: 01277887225 ext. 706

For our Social Care Agency please contact
Phone: 07903 694119

If you want to be a part of the Lavender Grove Family please contact
Phone: 01277887225 Option 4

To contact our Responsible Individual please contact
Phone: 07940022956

Lavender Grove prefers a planned move into the service: which would involve receipt of the full referral and placement information; a visit to the child or young person in their current placement; the Child/ young person coming to visit, an internal matching meeting and a placement meeting with the Local Authority.

However, we appreciate that emergency placements are also required so we would need to ensure that the placement is appropriate for the young person and that the wellbeing and needs of our current young people are considered and not destabilised. Lavender Grove would minimise any unnecessary delay to ensure a home is offered efficiently and safely.
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